Discover how SELF-ADVOCACY helps you stand up for your health!
Discover how SELF-ADVOCACY helps you stand up for your health!
Learning how to advocate for yourself and
family members represents the deepest love there is...
Harness the strength of advocacy. Rise up to make yourself ‘seen and heard’ in healthcare settings and become a superhero for yourself.
Have you ever thought about
yourself as a superhero for your health and wellness?
You may have seen the remarkable Marvel characters in the Black Panther Series. It evokes a sense of awe, the impact of individual action. Believe it or not, we all have the opportunity to become superheroes for our own health. Even if it doesn't seem to have the same glitz and glamour you see on the silver screen, our ability to positively change the trajectory of an illness or disease gives us the ability to put our lives (or the lives of loved ones) in our hands as patient advocates.
Believe it or not, we all have the opportunity to become superheroes for our health. Even if it doesn't seem to have the same glitz and glamour you see on the silver screen, the ability to be ‘seen and heard’ in healthcare settings may change the course of your life! You can stand up for your life (or that of loved ones) by becoming a patient advocate.
Why Are Self-Advocacy Skills Crucial for Black Women in America?
Click here for the Facts: Disparities in Black Women’s Health in America 2023
In 2023 and moving forward, Self-Advocacy skills are not an option. Stand Up and Speak Up!
What does it mean to Self-Advocate?
Self Advocacy Skills Empower You to Speak Up.
Learn How to "Be Seen and Heard" in Healthcare Settings!
Here are the essential elements and skills needed for successful self-advocacy in healthcare settings.
- Learn how to find the doctor who's right for you
- Educate yourself about your medical condition, treatment options, and healthcare rights.
- Communicate effectively with healthcare providers by expressing your concerns and asking questions.
- Prepare for appointments by making a list of topics to discuss and taking notes during the appointment.
- Be assertive in expressing your healthcare preferences, concerns, and goals.
- Recognize provider unconscious bias and use skills to reconcile in real-time.
- Collaborate with your healthcare team by sharing your thoughts and engaging in shared decision-making.
- Seek second opinions when needed to gain different perspectives on your diagnosis or treatment plan.
- Take an active role in managing your health by adhering to treatments and practicing self-care.
- Know your patient's rights and speak up if they feel violated.
Begin with the end in mind. Starting where you are today,
create a vision for lifelong well-being, joy, and living your best life!